Recent data shows that Geneseo students have not only reached but exceeded pre-COVID levels in English language arts and mathematics on two key metrics for indicating a student’s future academic success. Read the full story: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/855027

If you were not able to attend our Parent Information Night- here is a link to all the information.

We had a great parent information night last evening put on by our counselors!

Students in Mr. Brucher's History class were debating whether Sparta or Athens was the better place to live and had to convince a classmate!

Congratulations to Carlie Glawe, custodian at GHS, for earning a Maple Leaf Medallion. Carlie is a committed worker who demonstrates Teach - Learn - Care on a daily basis. She goes above and beyond to help her co-workers and she is appreciated!

GHS staff participated in professional development/learning in departments today!

2nd grade students have been learning about solids in science. They are using solid materials to build towers finding the best objects and best materials for building tall structures and providing stability.

Thank you to Tanner’s Apple Orchard for their hospitality and hosting our first grade students. We loved the informative tour and the tasty donuts and cider.

Fun in Science Class

Geneseo High School Art Club students helped decorate the preschool playground at Northside last week!

Harvest Fest kicks off with an amazing Geneseo Middle School western themed show.
Stop down any time Sunday, 9/25, 1-5:30 pm in Central Park. #soundofgeneseo

The Green Machine travels to Sterling tonight to take on the SHS Golden Warriors! The fresh/soph game begins at 5 pm with varsity kicking off at 7 pm.
Watch live: WB6network.com

These Southwest 5th grade students are competing against each other using Quizlet Live to review their math vocabulary as they learn to divide whole numbers.

Congratulations to GHS student Lynn Cotty who received a Maple Leaf Medallion today!

Congratulations to four of our seniors for being named "Commended Students" in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program!

Congratulations to Mrs. Johnson, Geneseo Middle School 6th grade Science Teacher and GMS Softball Coach, for receiving a Maple Leaf Medallion! Mrs. Johnson was instrumental in starting up our first girls softball team at GMS, guiding our girls to a winning opening season, and reaching the semi-finals of the regional IESA playoffs. Her leadership and commitment in Geneseo demonstrates Teach Learn Care of the highest order.

Students improving strength and coordination today during PE class at Millikin.

GPAC, the Geneseo Performing Arts Council, will be hosting the The Harvest Music Festival on September 24 and 25.
The Maple Leaf Marching Band Classic will be held on Saturday, September 24 at Geneseo High School starting at 2:45 pm. Fifteen areas bands will compete for honors in the marching show. Geneseo Middle School Band will perform a special introduction at 2:45 pm and the Geneseo High School Marching Band will perform an exhibition at 7:20 pm. The awards presentation will follow their performance.
On Sunday, September 25, there will be Choir Performances and Talent Show at the Geneseo City Park starting at 1:00 pm.
We will be holding small and large raffle drawings and a silent auction. Tickets for the large raffle drawing can be purchased in advance from any middle or high school band or choir member, at the events on Saturday or Sunday, or online at geneseoarts.com.

Northside is hosting a book fair this week and students are extremely excited about doing some shopping. Our fourth graders drew the lucky straw and get the first book fair time slot. A great week to celebrate reading!

Geneseo Middle School is searching for a new Administrative Assistant to ensure smooth and efficient operation of the school office as it relates to the classroom and community. Learn more about the role and apply today by visiting our Employment page.