What a beautiful morning for GMS Softball to host a double header at JFE! GO LEAFS!!!
22 days ago, Dean Johnson
We are pleased to welcome Quincy McSweeney, our new science teacher at Geneseo High School. "I love teaching science and it is always my goal to show others how fun it is to be a nerd!" says Quincy. "Science is my passion in and out of the classroom, and I hope to bring a little of that passion into the minds that walk into my class."
23 days ago, Geneseo Schools
Quincy McSweeney
Our awesome upperclassman Link Crew Members are welcoming all our freshman today! They have a fun filled morning to get our new 9th graders comfortable with the school and one another!
23 days ago, Mr. Ryerson- GHS Principal
Link Crew
Link Crew
Link Crew
Link Crew
Link Crew
Link Crew
With the first day of student attendance less than a week away, we're continuing to introduce our new staff. Get to know them and welcome them to our district: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1685651
24 days ago, Geneseo Schools
New staff for 2024-25
We are happy to introduce Nora Minnaert, who will be teaching science at Geneseo Middle School. "I'm so excited to return to the school where I did my student teaching, and to be more involved in my community through this new position," Nora says. "I love life science and I'm looking forward to sharing my enthusiasm for nature with the students in my classroom!"
24 days ago, Geneseo Schools
Nora Minnaert
We are excited to introduce Haley Tromblee, who will be teaching music at Millikin Elementary. "As a student teacher here, I loved seeing the culture of the school and community and I was so happy with the care they have for their students," says Haley. "I really look forward to contributing to the beautiful music program here and helping students learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment!"
24 days ago, Geneseo Schools
Haley Tromblee
Geneseo's fall sports season kicked off on Wednesday with the GMS Lady Leafs taking on Mercer County in softball. Thirty girls are on the team this year, and they opened the season with a huge 15-0 win in 3 innings. Great job, girls!
24 days ago, Geneseo Middle School
Join us in welcoming Andrea Smith, our new school nurse at Northside Elementary. "By providing health and wellness to students, it will allow them to achieve academic success in the classrooms," explains Andrea. "As a nurse and mother of four young ones, I am looking forward to having a positive impact on children's lives every day with health education within the school."
25 days ago, Geneseo Schools
Andrea Smith
We are happy to introduce Julia Stevens, our new social worker at Southwest Elementary. "It is an honor to support students on their good days and their not-so-good days," states Julia. "I look forward to being a trusted resource to the students, staff and families of the Geneseo community."
26 days ago, Geneseo Schools
Julia Stevens
We are excited to welcome Angelia Baumgartner, who will be teaching chemistry and environmental science at Geneseo High School. "I strive to create a classroom environment where all students feel comfortable and confident enough in themselves to ask questions, solve real-life problems both individually and cooperatively, and overall be a part an active participant in class," says Angelia.
27 days ago, Geneseo Schools
Angelia Baumgartner
We are pleased to introduce Janea Oaks, who will be teaching in Geneseo High School’s CARES SEL (social and emotional learning) classroom. "I’m thankful for this new adventure to teach high school and I can’t wait to get this new classroom started," says Janea. "I am most excited to see the students’ confidence grow and to see them thrive."
30 days ago, Geneseo Schools
Janea Oaks
We’re thrilled to welcome Matt Furlong to Geneseo High School, where he will be teaching social science and driver’s education. “I am excited to work in a community that values a full educational experience and contribute to a positive learning environment for all students,” Matt says.
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Matt Furlong
We are happy to welcome Kim VanDeWoestyne, our new physical education teacher at Geneseo Middle School. "What I enjoy most about teaching is getting to know my students and watching them grow into young adults," says Kim. "I am excited to build connections with my students and support them through the ups and downs of middle school!"
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Kim VanDeWoestyne
We’re excited to introduce Tricia Hull, who will be teaching life skills at Northside Elementary. "Helping my students overcome challenges and reach their full potential brings me the most joy!" states Tricia. "I look forward to building meaningful, trusting relationships with my students and their families, and hope to create a fulfilling and supportive experience for them this year."
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Tricia Hull
Join us in welcoming Kaitlyn Peters, our new 3rd grade teacher at Millikin Elementary. "I am most looking forward to building a classroom community where we work together as a class to create a fun and safe environment to learn in," Kaitlyn says. "The district, Millikin elementary and my grade level team have really welcomed me with open arms and I can't wait to do the same with my students."
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Kaitlyn Peters
We are thrilled to welcome Melissa Jackson, our new 7th grade geography teacher at Geneseo Middle School. "I have always loved teaching and aspired to use my time and talents in a way that would best benefit all children," says Melissa. "As a teacher, parent, and community member in the district I have a strong commitment to do my part in helping make Geneseo School District the best that it can be."
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Melissa Jackson
We are excited to introduce Shelly Britt, our new 6th grade English language arts teacher at Geneseo Middle School. "My teaching style is student focused and making it my priority to ensure each student has a safe environment to learn," Shelly explains. "I plan to lead my students with joy, compassion, and enthusiasm in order to cultivate a desire to read and learn."
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Shelly Britt
From the homecoming parade to holiday breaks to hour-early dismissals, there are a number of dates to keep in mind for the 2024-25 school year: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1685737
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Join us in welcoming Jen Nelson, who will teach 1st grade at Northside Elementary. "I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to the community that helped develop my love of learning," says Jen. "My hope is to create an environment where my students can thrive because they feel safe, loved, and ‘at home’ in our classroom."
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Jen Nelson
We are pleased to introduce Calla Ritchie, the new English teacher at Geneseo High School. "Everyone has been very welcoming and I'm excited to start this journey with such a wonderful and supportive community behind me!" says Calla. "My teaching style is very collaborative and student centered."
about 1 month ago, Geneseo Schools
Calla Ritchie