October 19:

IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THE LAST GHS HOME FOOTBALL GAME THIS FRIDAY IN THE “MACHINE SHED” SECTION FOR GMS, the new GMS School Improvement Panel, made up of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, invites you to join as we plan to have our own GMS DRESS UP NIGHT.  If you’re able, we are asking 6th grade students to wear white, 7th grade students to wear green, and 8th grade students to wear yellow or gold. PLEASE NOTE, we want you to attend and have fun NO MATTER what color you’re wearing. By no means are you required to wear the color for your grade. and, PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE ANY CLOTHING JUST FOR THAT EVENT. We thought it would be a simple way to add to the fun and hope to see you all there for a fantastic time!

Builders Club will not meet this week due to students not having school on Friday. We will meet next Friday morning, October 28th, at 7:40 to finish our Farmers’ Bags project.

It's time to purchase this year's GMS yearbook.  Don't wait for the price to increase.  Pick up an order form in the front office or order online through your Skyward account today.