September 26
Reminder: FCA will be meeting tomorrow in the small gym at 7:35. All are welcome to attend!
On Wednesday, September 28th from 1-3pm there will be a Pickleball Playday for 4th-8th graders at Richmond Hill Park. You are welcome to participate even if you've never played pickleball before. The cost is $5. Paddles will be provided and medals will be awarded to the top players. To sign-up, please contact the Community Center. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Sager.
Have you ordered your GMS yearbook yet? Don't wait. Pick up an order form at the front office today, or go online through your Skyward account and place that order.
Congrats to the 7th grade September students of the month! From House 7-1 Mason Emerick and Nadia Karn. From House 7-2 Lyla Possin and Jax Seals. Your 7th grade teachers appreciate the positive attitudes and hard work ethic that you bring to school everyday. Please congratulate these students if you see them in the halls.