September 21:
If you would like to take place in the Teen Read Cafe in the library Friday morning, tickets can still be picked up in the GMS library. We will be having donuts as we learn about your freedom to read in awareness of Banned Books Week.
Next week on Wednesday, September 28th from 1-3pm there will be a Pickleball Playday for 4th-8th graders at Richmond Hill Park. You are welcome to participate even if you’ve never played pickleball before. The cost is $5. Paddles will be provided and medals will be awarded to the top players. To sign-up, please contact the Community Center. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Sager.
Attention 7th and 8th Grade Boys interested in playing GMS basketball. We will be starting in about one month. When the date gets closer we will give you more details. For now, be sure you are staying on top of your grades. There is no quarter 2 reset button. The grades you are getting now will matter come basketball season. Lastly, if you are wanting to play, be sure you are turning in a physical to the office. You must have a physical turned in before you can practice. If you have any questions please see Mr. Monier.
Builders Club will meet Friday morning at 7:40 in the Large Group Room. If you are interested in joining Builders Club or just want to see what we’re all about, join us at our meeting Friday morning.
The 7th Grade Greens volleyball team is off to yet another busy week with 3 games. Monday evening the Greens traveled to Riverdale and came away with a loss. Last evening the girls rebounded and came away with a big win over Seton. Many girls stepped up and had a great serving night. Top servers for the evening were Annibelle Juarez, Olivia Yost and Addison Snell. However, Cat Meis and Meghan Scheider came up with some big serves helping us win the match. We will finish off the week hosting Colona on Thursday. Go Greens!
Congratulations to the 8th Grade Greens Volleyball team on their win against Seton last night. Great serving by Kolby Causemaker, Bella Brown, Leah Falk, and Emily Haverback.