On the Same Page will meet before school on Wednesday for updates on our Lasagna Means I Love You activities. All students are encouraged to check out a copy today and send your favorite recipes to our online cookbook.
The next GMS yearbook staff meeting is Tuesday, February 18th after school until 4:30pm. Please let an advisor know if you cannot attend.
The Geneseo Library Writing Club is meeting this Tuesday at the Geneseo Library from 3:30-4:30. Fourth-grade students and up are welcome!
Come out and support the Geneseo High School Basketball team Tuesday night for the JV game at 5:30 pm and the Varsity game at 7:00 pm Students can sit in the Leaf Pile and are encouraged to wear your spirit gear.
From your GMS Student Improvement Panel, today is Motivational Monday: “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” —Dale Carnegie