Have you purchased your GMS yearbook for this school year? Don't wait. Go online to your skyward account, or pick up an order form in the main office. Less than 100 books have been purchased so far. That means it is likely you don't have your book ordered yet. Get your book ordered today!
Attention Hoops Fans: Our A's hosted the Jordan Jaguars last night and we appreciate the energy and support from the GMS 'Machine Shed' student section! The 7As had contributions from everyone. We had a lead and learned how to 'hold on' to that lead despite the late, hungry attack by the Jaguars in the Leaf's victory. The 8As had an incredibly physical contest vs the Jaguars with both teams in foul trouble throughout the contest with some questionable calls, but the effort by our Leafs was certainly unquestionable. The bite of the 8th grade Jaguars was too much but the grit of our Leafs makes us proud. Next week, our As will be home on Monday and our Bs will be home on Tuesday. Come join the 'Machine Shed' student section and cheer on our Leafs! Hope to see you there!
There will be no Student Council committee meetings before school on Monday. The next meeting is for the full group the Monday after Thanksgiving Break.