GMS Speech Team members:, please remember to come to the end-of-the-year party Friday before school at 7: 30 in Room 708 to celebrate the successful season and enjoy some breakfast!
Have you purchased your GMS yearbook for this school year? Don't wait. Go online to your skyward account, or pick up an order form in the main office. Less than 100 books have been purchased so far. That means it is likely you don't have your book ordered yet. Get your book ordered today!
Attention Hoops Fans: It was another busy night for our Maple Leafs. Our B teams hosted Morningstar. Our 7Bs took care of business dimming their light but you might as well have called the Morningstar 8th grade team 'EveningStar' because they were shining bright. Our 8Bs battled but the stars were too much. On the road our As traveled to Seton. We had 'double dubs' with both teams winning in convincing fashion and then celebrated with some McDoubles (and chicken Big Macs) on the way home. Next up, our As host Jordan at home on Thursday. See you there!
The library will be closed before school on Thursday morning.