Any current 7th grade student interested in learning more about a trip to Washington DC next year may pick up a flier at the office window.
GMS Yearbook Staff members are invited to our end-of-year Party on today after school until 4:30pm. Please inform an advisor if you cannot attend.
Attention Contig Club: We will have our final Contig Club session of the year this Wednesday at 7:40 in Mrs. Wagner's room. We will be watching the championship match between the Hornets and The Math Queens. The Hornets are made up of Ryan Coleman, David Betcher, Cole Weinzierl, and Liam Campos. The Math Queens are made up of Rosella Wentz, Lilith Ballard, Hillary Lewis, and Skilynn Tarrant. Will the Hornets sting the Math Queens? Or will the Math Queens squash the Hornets? Come find out Wednesday!