Tomorrow night students and families are invited to the On the Same Page City Spies Escape Room. Bring some friends to solve our puzzles. We will even be giving away 10 copies of City Spies 2 as door prizes. The games start at 7 p.m.
This past weekend the Wrestling team traveled to Dekalb to compete in the IESA state tournament. Maddux Kennedy, Cyrus Babcock, Harrison Hill and Jaydn Shipman would all win one match on the first day and advance to the second day. Maddux and Cyrus would fall short of reaching the podium but fought hard all tournament. Harrison would lose his semifinal match and bounce back to get 3rd. Jaydn would fight all the way back to take 5th. As a team they would finish 20th out of 100 schools.
Tuesday's March Madness Theme is Camo so dig out your military or hunting camouflage .Please remember that dress-up day outfits must comply with dress codes so no camo face paint.