The 6th Grade American League All-star lineup selected for February is:
Delia Bellagamba, Gio Escobar, Audreyana Grove, Elijah Melton, Kami Nordstrom, Kenryk Osborn, Rykken Schweitzer, and Reese Shannon. Your teachers thank you for your hard work, respect, and responsibility this month
Congratulations to our February Student Athletes of the month: Faith Kuster and James Seals
Your coaches and teachers recognize all your hard work and effort on the team and in class! Everyone at GMS is proud of you! Way to go!
The GMS yearbook staff will meet today after school until 4:30pm. Please let an advisor know if you cannot attend.
Congratulations to the following 8th grade House 1 S.T.R.I.P.E.S award winners for the month of March: Lillian Bellagamba, Vance Hansen, Greyson Claerhout. These students display qualities of service, tenacity, respect, involvement, perseverance, enthusiasm, and spirit. Your teachers appreciate your efforts to continuously display these qualities. Keep up the GRRREAT work!
The OSP reading team will meet before school on Wednesday. Please bring all of your escape room supplies so we can run tests on our puzzles.
Surf into breakfast this week and enjoy some hang time with your friends and try some new breakfast entrees. Hop on your boogie board and see who will be helping Miss Raschel and Miss Bonnie serve.
Is there a staff member that you want to see get soaked with ice water? Vote for one of the following staff members by bringing in any change or money you have laying around. Money collected will be donated to Special Olympics. The top 5 teachers with the most money collected will have an ice bucket of water dumped on their head in front of the whole school. We have 15 staff member to choose from: Officer Amber, Mr. Monier, Miss Wancket, Mr. Johnson, Mr. O’Dell, Mr. Mathew, Mrs. Schmidt, Miss Meyers, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Haars, Mrs. Billingsly, Mr. Verner, Miss. Wohrley, Mrs. Plant, and Mrs. Gillespie.