ATTENTION Chess Club, today's practice will be for just those who are participating in the State Tournament. We will meet in the library after school. There will be additional information regarding the tournament, if you can't attend please contact Mr. Verner by email or stop by room 606.
3 days left to donate to the American Heart Challenge! Here's today's health fact, brought to you by the American Heart Challenge: Your heart is not going to start itself! Bystanders who see someone having cardiac arrest only perform CPR 46% of the time. Immediate CPR can double or triple a person's chance of survival.
The next GMS yearbook staff meeting will be Tuesday, February 20th after school until 4:30 pm. Please plan to attend and contact an advisor if you cannot.
The Geneseo Library Writing Club is meeting this Tuesday, today, at the Geneseo Library from 3:30- 4:30. Fourth-grade students and up are welcome!
Today's Lunch Choices: Pizza Hut Cheese, Uncrustable, Deli sandwich, Chef Salad