Good morning GMS! This is an announcement from the GMS Student Improvement Panel here to tell you that starting today, we are going to be celebrating High Five Friday! We encourage you all to give your classmates, friends, and teachers high fives in the halls and classes! Also, we will be rotating from High Five Friday to Fist Bump Friday weekly. So remember, next Friday is Fist Bump Friday!
Jump rope for heart is next Friday, This weekend lets get some donations. Do we need to write it down in your planner? Right now get out your planner! I will wait. Write down next Friday is Jump Rope for Heart. if you have questions see Mr. Reed
The 8th grade Scholastic Bowl team defeated Rockridge last night with a final score of 215-105. The 6th & 7th grade Scholastic Bowl team lost a close match against Rockridge with a score of 150-135. Both teams did an outstanding job answering tough toss up and bonus questions!
The next GMS yearbook staff meeting will be Tuesday, February 20th after school until 4:30pm. Please plan to attend and contact an advisor if you cannot.
Today’s Lunch Choices: no lunch - half day