The Geneseo Library Writing Club is meeting tomorrow, Nov. 14, at the Geneseo Library from 3:30-4:30. Fourth grade and up are welcome! So far this year we have written about Heracles from Greek myths and ships made of fingernails from Norse myths. This month we will check out creatures from Egyptian myths!
The next GMS yearbook staff meeting will be Tuesday, November 14th after school until 4:30pm. Please try to attend and email an advisor if you cannot.
It's World Kindness Day! With so much going on every day, every week, every month, all year long--- kindness can get pushed to the side, in favor of what is urgent or trending. GMS wants to focus on the purpose of kindness. Did you know that it's the common thread that unites us all? So go out today and don't just sprinkle some kindness but really SHOWER others with it. See what a difference YOU can make!!!