8th grade students interested in receiving information about a trip to Washington DC sponsored by World Strides may pick up a flier at the office window.
The Geneseo Library Writing Club is meeting today, October 10, at the Geneseo Library from 3:30-4:30. Fourth-grade students and up are welcome! We will be exploring some haunted settings from mythology!
On the Same Page readers will meet Wednesday morning for another vote. OSP readers will want to be there to discuss and defend books as we narrow to three finalists.
This past weekend several GMS students competed in Springfield, Illinois at the State Fairgrounds in the Youth Charity Horse Show. Youth equestrians from Illinois, Iowa and Indiana bring over 130 horses to compete in 125 different classes over the three day event. Competing in Saddleseat Division were: Maycie Sims and Violet Runty. Competing in Western Division were: Ashlynn Chamberlain, Hannah Wildemuth, Kali Herberg and Nichole Werling. Competing in Huntseat and Dressage Divisions was: Faith Kuster. All equestrians had a successful fun weekend after working endless hours with their horses to prepare for the event. Congratulations Ladies!!!
Over the weekend the Leafs cross country team hosted Sectionals at Richmond Hill . The Leafs had to battle through some wind & with their season on the line, both girls & boys teams qualified for State this upcoming weekend!! The girls team finished 2nd place overall led by 6th place finisher Charlize Wachtel. The boys also finished 2nd as a team! Medaling for the boys were Micah Nicke (2nd) & Kael McCord (10th). We are so proud of all of the runners & can’t wait to see how they do this weekend!
6th grade band: Bring a jacket or sweatshirt to 2nd hour today. We will be walking over to the high school for our dress rehearsal.