6th Graders!  Your 6th grade senate petitions are due today.  Please give them to Mrs. Johnson in room 601 by the end of the day if you intend to run for 6th grade senate.  

Congratulations to the following 8th grade House 1 S.T.R.I.P.E.S award winners for the month of September: Natalie Minnaert-Yocum, Aleksie Possin, and Tanner Massengill.  These students display qualities of service, tenacity, respect, involvement, perseverance, enthusiasm, and spirit.  Your teachers appreciate the great work!

Congratulations to our new Student Council members! Student Council meets Monday morning at 7:40 a.m. in the LGR. All members need to attend to get important information regarding this year's Student Council procedures and activities. See Mrs. Brucher or Mrs. Strohm if you have any questions.

UPDATE on GMS Speech:Contest for this year HAS BEEN CHANGED to Friday, November 10th at Monmouth United Jr. High.  If you already picked up a permission slip, please change the date and return to Mrs. VanOpdorp, Room 709, by Wed. Sept. 13th.  If you haven't picked up forms, stop by Room 709 today.  If you still need to choose a script, stop by Room 702, Mrs. Haars' room, today through next Wed. and she'll help you.  ALL permission slips must be turned in by Wed.Sept. 13th.

Congratulations to the 7th Grade Whites Volleyball team for a big win against Glenview on their first home game last night! The girls won in two games and all showed great teamwork, great job girls!

The Girls Golf team participated in the IESA Sectional Golf Meet on Thursday at Madison Park Golf Course in Peoria.  Lily Bellagamba and Annie Reed represented GMS, and both played well, with Annie placing 44th and Lily placing 21st - just 4 shots shy of qualifying for the state meet. Congratulations on a fine season ladies!

The Geneseo Library Writing Club is meeting this Tuesday at the Geneseo Library from 3:30-4:30. Fourth-grade students and up are welcome!