April 21:

Attention all 6th and 7th graders! Are you interested in trying a new sport? Golf season is starting to get hot! If you are a regular player or have never stepped foot on a golf course, you’re welcome to sign up. If you’re interested please contact Mr. Verner by email or stop by room 606.

Attention 6th and 7th grade girls, an email was sent out last week to your school gmail account regarding sign-ups for middle school softball for this coming fall. If you are interested, please fill out the Google Form by April 28. Please see Mrs. Johnson in room 601 if you have any questions. 

Attention 8th grade girls interested in trying out for high school Maplettes:  There is an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 25th at 7:00 pm in the High School Fine Arts Commons.  Tryouts will be May 2nd through May 5th.  Information packets can be picked up at the GMS office window.  

Congrats to the 7th grade April students of the month. 

From House 7-1 Piper Anderson, Alivia Brown, Quinn Cherry, Evelyn DeBaene, and Sophia Doyle. 

From House 7-2 Claudia Angelo, Noah Klick, Faith Mierop, Layna Bassett, and Eden VanOpdorp.

Your teachers appreciate your hard work, positive attitude, kindness, and motivation that you bring to school daily.

Don’t forget:  The high school musical “Suessical” runs tonight through Sunday.  Come see GMS students, Colin Roemer, Henry Pratt, and Chase Vandewoestyne perform.

Hello this is an announcement from the GMS Dungeons and Dragons Club. Have you been wanting to play D&D but don't know where to start? Well then you could join the GMS D&D club we plan to meet every Thursday at 7:00 AM  in room 709. It is fine if you have no experience playing D & D. One of the club members would help you learn how to play. If you are interested in joining, please talk to Mrs. VanOpdorp in room 709.

GMS Grounds Day, originally scheduled for Saturday morning, has been changed to today after school from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm.  We need lots of help to spread mulch, pull weeds, and clean up the outside area of GMS. Please consider helping, even if it’s only for an hour.  Volunteers will be awarded with pizza at 6:00 pm.