When it comes to summer activities, the Geneseo Park District offers something for everyone! Registration for members is open now, while non-members can register beginning May 17. Learn more and view this summer's activity guide: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1589587
Geneseo Community Unit School District #228 is excited to announce that Michele Hepner has been named the 2024 School Nutrition Champion by the Illinois State Board of Education's Nutrition Department. Read the full story now: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1591648
As the 2023-24 school year begins to wind down, teachers throughout Geneseo Community Unit School District #228 are being recognized as part of National Teacher Day (May 7) and Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6-10).
“Our staff should feel proud of the work they and our students have done this year,” said Dr. Adam Brumbaugh, Superintendent. “Great strides have been made with our curriculum and interventions, and our students' achievement levels are going up as a result.”
Read more: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1587671
Today we held our end of year celebration with senior students who have been in the Grow Your Own Teacher Course all year long. Students in this class had 3 days of instruction and 2 days of being in classrooms with mentor teachers every week! Students held a breakfast with their mentor teachers this a.m. to thank them and to say something nice about them. Students who plan to continue to go into the teaching field in college did a signing ceremony in the theater after breakfast! Each student received a local scholarship as well! Congratulations to all of our students and staff who helped make this a great first year! We have another group of students signed up for next year!
Need a quick and easy Mother's Day gift that all the moms in your life will love? Stop by the FFA Plant Sale to pick up a beautiful, full hanging petunia basket for only $20! Other plants available include impatiens, begonias, dahlias, zinnias, petunias, coleus, dusty miller, tomatoes, cucumber, and peppers! Plants will be sold at the Ag Lab on Saturday, May 4 (10 am-1 pm), Monday, May 6 (3-5 pm) and Thursday, May 9 (3-5 pm).
Happy School Lunch Hero Day! Very thankful for this awesome group at GHS!
Congratulations to Geneseo High School's Amber Dickey on receiving a Maple Leaf Medallion! Mrs. Dickey was nominated by GHS sophomore Annabelle Ropp, who wrote: "She makes everyone's day a little better. I feel like she genuinely cares about the students at GHS. She is an excellent example of how to spread kindness."
Congratulations to Geneseo High School's Nicole Cherry on receiving a Maple Leaf Medallion!
Mrs. Cherry was nominated by GHS senior Kylie Maertens, who wrote: "Mrs. Cherry has always brightened up my day any time I have been in the front office. She demonstrates the CARE category especially because she is always willing to answer any of my questions and go out of her way to help me and others."
Kylie continued, "She consistently creates connections with students and genuinely cares for their well being. She represents the Geneseo School District through her actions and smiling face when you come through the front doors of the high school. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to know Mrs. Cherry!"
GHS has again earned high national and metro-area rankings in 2024 Best High Schools, which U.S. News released this week. According to the report, GHS is ranked 81st within Illinois and 2,134th nationally. Read the full story: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1568964
Geneseo High School’s Class of 2024 will graduate on Sunday, May 19 at 3 p.m. in a ceremony at Bob Reade Field: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1561580
The Geneseo Education Foundation (GEF) hosted an open house on Thursday evening to celebrate its distribution of $4 million to Geneseo’s schools since 1990. Read the full story: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1559137
GHS held their final Student Welfare & Advisory council meeting today. These students were chosen among peers and staff to celebrate success and focus on school improvement at GHS. Very proud of their leadership!
With severe weather expected this afternoon and evening, there will be no after school activities, practices or SAFE on April 16. Thank you and stay safe!
Congrats to GHS Girls Soccer with a 7-0 defeat over Sterling. Goals by Ava DeSplinter, Mia Kelly, Hanna Kreiner, Addison Espe, and
several assists by Katelyn Seaman helped the rout.
The Smith Studio and Gallery is hosting its 10th annual Geneseo High School art exhibition from April 9-27 with an open reception to meet the artists on April 17 from 5-7 p.m. Learn more: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1540032
Geneseo High School held its "Students of the Quarter" breakfast celebration this morning for third quarter. Teachers nominate students "Who make their day brighter!" Students and their parents/guardians have a nice breakfast with our staff and are recognized. Congrats to all!
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year will begin on April 15 and close on May 10. For FAQs about the online process, a video tutorial, and other resources, visit GeneseoSchools.org: https://www.geneseoschools.org/o/geneseo/page/register-for-the-2024-25-school-year
The GHS Jazz Show will take place this Thursday, April 4, at 7 p.m. General admission tickets (no reserve seating) will be sold at the door for $8 each with cash, check or debit/credit cards all accepted. Come enjoy a great night of jazz from our Middle School and High School Jazz Bands and Choirs in our Concert Hall!
Best wishes for a joyous Easter weekend filled with love and happiness.
Geneseo High School yearbooks for the 2023-24 school year are on sale now through April 7. Learn more, place your order, and view previous GHS yearbooks dating back to 1942: https://www.geneseoschools.org/article/1526945