GHS Announcements 1-12-23

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Ross College Visit:

On Tuesday, January 17th, Ross College's Medical Assisting Program Liaison will be visiting Geneseo High School during WIN. If you are interested in meeting with Christine from Ross please visit the Counseling Office for more details and to sign up. You must sign up before to obtain a pass, and confirm the visit will be taking place. 

Mrs. Schneden’s 4th Hour 1st Semester:

If you were in Mrs. Schneden’s 4th hour first semester, and you really, really, really want to hear her read the last chapter of Inhuman aloud, grab a WIN ELA Lab pass from her. She will add an announcement for which day next week she will be it reading aloud. 

Seth Ernst Memorial Soccer Slam:

Here is your New Year's update from Seth Ernst Memorial Soccer Slam!

For the Love of the Game...get your GHS Teams registered for our Sweet 16!

Dates are February 25 for Men and February 26 for Women.  

Most Creative Team uniforms expected. Visit  Click on "Coaches" to register.  Registration closes Feb. 8th.

Our Referee Clinic will be next Monday, January 16th from 5 to 7 pm.  There will be pizza, water and cookies, and you'll get to practice your referee skills with our u6/7 teams.  Email to get on our referee list!

The first Slam weekend to referee is Jan. 28 and 29th.

Foreign Language Club Meeting:

Attention all Foreign Language Club members: Our next meeting will be this Thursday at 3:00 p.m. in room 3. We will be having a short Turkish lesson. Hope to see you there!

Trap Shooting Reminder:

Trap shooting participants are reminded to bring in their raffle ticket sales to Ms. Lock this week. 

Parking Update:

Attention Senior, Junior, & Sophomore students:  Parking will not be available for purchase until next week Tuesday, at the end of your school day from 2:10 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.  In the meantime, if you have not registered and purchased student parking you may not park in the school lots.  An evaluation will be made this week assessing remaining student parking in order to begin sales next week.

January Study Hall Release for Juniors and Seniors:

Study Hall release will start on Tuesday, January 17th.  Students will receive ineligibility notices on Thursday, January 12th and Friday, January 13th.  In order to be eligible for Junior and Senior Study Hall release you must clear the following obligations: 

- Grades of D+ or higher in all classes

- No 1st Semester 2022 failed classes

- No unpaid library fines

- No unserved discipline

- Students who have 6th period Study Hall and a 7th period class are not eligible for Study Hall release. 

Geneseo Park District Volunteer Opportunities:

Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:

Darnall's Diner

Pizza Hut

Chicken Sandwich

Green Machine Grill



Pizza Hut

Eisenberg Hot Dog

Green and White Deli

Deli Sandwiches

Chef Salads


Pizza Hut