GHS Announcements 10-6-22
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Iowa State University Visit:
On Monday, October 10th, Iowa State University will be visiting Geneseo High School during 6th hour. If you are interested in meeting with Iowa State please visit the Counseling Office for more details and to sign up. You must sign up before the visit to obtain a pass, and confirm the visit will be taking place.
Food Collection Competition for First Period Classes:
Attention First Period Classes, would you like to be the WINNING class? Next week, beginning on Wednesday, October 12, first period classes will be collecting non-perishable food items in a class competition. The first period class to collect the most food items per capita between October 12 and October 19 will win donuts for their class. Be the class to collect the most food as all donations go to support the Geneseo-Atkinson Food Pantry. Get creative and find ways to donate.
Art Club Cancelled Today:
Art Club is cancelled today after school. See you next week!
Senior Open Campus Lunch:
The next Senior Open Campus Lunch opportunity will be this Friday, October 7th. To qualify, you need to have a grade of D+ or higher in all classes and have no unserved discipline. Eligibility will be determined on Thursday, October 6th. Eligibility notices will be distributed in the morning of Open Campus Lunch day, Friday, October 7th. Students who qualify will have additional time for lunch. If you receive a notice, please be sure to read it for your exact leaving and return times.
Foreign Language Club:
Attention foreign language club: Our next meeting is Thursday at 3:00 p.m. in room 3. We will be learning some Chinese! Bring a friend and hope to see you there!
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Darnall's Diner
Pizza Hut
Pulled Pork Sandwich or Cook's Choice
Green Machine Grill
Pizza Hut
Eisenberg Hot Dog
Green and White Deli
Deli Sandwiches
Chef Salads
Pizza Hut