Friday, October 18
Woodles Today:
Come aboard the Diner and Grill Ships as we will be serving Woodles today. We are excited to offer this take on a ramen bowl. They will be the GoChuJang (Spicy) Woodles with Chicken.
US Army Visit:
The U.S. Army will be visiting Geneseo High School today during 7th period. Please remember to sign up before the visit in the Counseling Office.
Senior Quotes:
Attention Seniors - Please look for an email from Mrs. Anton to submit your senior quote. This will be open until next Friday, October 25 at 3:00 PM. The QR code will also be outside Mrs. Anton’s room 17 and Mrs. Brewer’s room 26.
Silver Cord Volunteer Opportunity:
It is that time of year for the Victorian Walk and Christmas meal at First Methodist Church. They are looking for volunteers to serve food, be monitors, kitchen help, etc. If you could spare a couple of hours that evening it lasts from 4:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. Even if it's just 1 or 2 hours, any help is appreciated. The deadline to sign up to help is November 18th. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Nancy DeFauw at 309-507-0997 or email her at
Fall Play:
This year’s fall play is “Down to Earth.” It is a good comedy. Show dates and times are this Saturday at 7:00 PM and this Sunday at 3:00 PM. The cast, crew and staff would appreciate your attendance and support of their work. You will see many of your classmates and friends in the show. Hope to see you there.
Silver Cord Opportunity – Park District:
If you are interested in volunteering at the Park District, there are volunteer opportunities and contact information listed on the announcements bulletin board in the main hall. Silver Cord timesheets can be found on the GHS website or in the Front Office.
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Darnall’s Diner
Breakfast for Lunch Gold Coins with Sausage
Pirates Treasure Chest Woodles
Green Machine Grill
Pirates Treasure Chest Woodles
Green & White Deli
Deli Sandwiches
Shiver Me Timbers Buffalo Chicken Wrap
Chef Salads