GHS Announcements 8-14-24

Wednesday, August 14


2:00 p.m. Dismissal Schedule – 5th Period Lunch:

This week, Wednesday thru Friday, we will be running the 2:00 p.m. dismissal schedule.  On 2:00 p.m. dismissal days lunch is 5th period.  Go to the lunch that is listed next to your 5th period on your schedule.   


Late Start Thursday Schedule:

This is a reminder that the Late Start Thursday schedule will begin on August 22nd.  We will be running our 2:00 p.m. dismissal schedule tomorrow, Thursday, August 15th.  Tomorrow 1st period begins at 8:00 a.m. and Early Bird begins at 7:00 a.m.  


Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:


Darnall’s Diner

Mac & Cheese

Bacon Cheeseburger


Green Machine Grill



Bacon Cheeseburger


Green & White Deli

Deli Sandwiches


Chef Salads
