GHS Announcements 6-4-24

Tuesday, June 4


Locker Cleanout:

Attention Students - Make sure you take time to clean out your locker before leaving for the year.  Items left in lockers will not be saved.  Hall locker padlocks are to be taken home and brought back next fall. If your padlock has been lost or stolen, please stop by the Athletic Office and purchase a new one.  Any padlocks left on lockers after the last day of school will be considered lost and you will be charged the $10.00 lost padlock fee.  Students not returning in the fall, please turn in your lock at the Athletic Office before leaving for the summer.


Summer Volunteer Opportunities:

There are volunteer opportunities at the Geneseo Park District this summer.  Information is listed on the Announcements bulletin board in the main hallway.   


Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:


Lunch will not be served due to the 11:30 a.m. Dismissal.