Monday, May 20, 2024
Juniors Open Campus Lunch:
The next Open Campus Lunch opportunity for Juniors will be Friday, May 24th!
Notices will be distributed the morning of Open Campus Lunch on Friday, May 24th. Students will have additional time for lunch. Please be sure to read the notice for your exact departure and return times.
Writer’s Club:
The Writer’s Club will hold their May meeting this afternoon in Room 4 from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome!
Dress Up Days:
Get Ready to Dress Up
Hey GHS let’s end the year by dressing up for a few spirit days to honor our retiring staff. Wednesday to Friday we will honor Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Hirschfelder and Mrs. Ganson by having some fun with spirit days:
Wednesday, May 22 - Kindness Day, wear a positive message t-shirt
Thursday, May 23 - Mad Scientist Day
Friday, May 24 - Geneseo Spirit Day, wear Geneseo attire, vintage if you have it.
Let’s have some fun as we wish our retirees the best in retirement.
Summer Volunteer Opportunities:
There are volunteer opportunities at the Geneseo Park District this summer. Information is listed on the Announcements bulletin board in the main hallway.
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Darnall’s Diner
Lasagna Roll Up while available then Pizza Crunchers
Chris P. Chicken Sandwich
Green Machine Grill
Chris P. Chicken Sandwich
Green & White Deli
Deli Sandwiches
Chef Salads