Friday, May 3, 2024
Senior Meeting:
There will be a Senior Meeting today during WIN in the Theatre. Seniors are to report directly to the Theatre for WIN, do not check in with your WIN teacher first.
Navy Visit:
The US Navy will be visiting Geneseo High School today during 6th period. Please remember to sign up before the visit in the Counseling Office.
Math Lab:
Mr. C’s Math Lab is cancelled for today. Once again there will be no Math Lab in Mr. C’s room today.
Read for a Lifetime:
Students who qualified for the library's 2024 Read for a Lifetime program are reminded to stop into the library before school on Tuesday, May 7, to pick up donuts, certificates, and awards. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Brucher.
School Lunch Hero Day:
The first Friday of May is School Lunch Hero Day. Today we Celebrate our Food Service team members! Remember to thank them for serving you lunch with a side of awesome sauce!
Senior Open Campus Lunch:
The next Senior Open Campus Lunch opportunity will be this Friday, May 3rd!
To qualify, you need to have a grade of D+ or higher in all classes, no unpaid library fines, and no outstanding discipline. Eligibility will be determined on Wednesday, May 1st. Eligibility notices will be distributed in the morning of Open Campus Lunch on Friday, May 3rd. Students who qualify will have additional time for lunch. If you receive a notice, please be sure to read it for your exact departure and return times.
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Darnall’s Diner
Italian Beef Sandwich
Kicking off our Seniors last week, the Senior pick today is Orange Chicken with Rice. This item was a tie and we will serve the item it tied with next week.
Green Machine Grill
Orange Chicken with Rice
Green & White Deli
Deli Sandwiches
Chef Salads