Friday, April 5, 2024
ELA Lab Cancelled:
There will be no ELA Lab today.
Mr. C’s Math Lab Cancelled:
Mr. C’s Math Lab is cancelled for today.
Read for a Lifetime:
The Read for a Lifetime program ends soon. Make sure you have all responses for this year's program completed by Monday, April 8. Contact Mrs. Brucher if you have any questions.
Foreign Language Club:
Attention all Foreign Language Club members: Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 9th at 3:00 p.m. in room 3. We will be learning about traveling to Spain. Bring a friend and a snack and see you there!
Black Hawk East College Visit:
On Monday, April 8th, Black Hawk College East Campus will be visiting Geneseo High School during WIN. If you are interested in meeting with Black Hawk East, please visit the Counseling Office for more details and to sign up. You must sign up before to obtain a pass, and confirm the visit will be taking place.
Attention All Students: Yearbook sales have been extended for one week! Yearbook sales will close Sunday, April 7th. All orders need to be placed online through our publisher. Not sure if you ordered or how to order? See the lists outside Mrs. Brewer (Rm 26) or Mrs. Anton’s (Rm 17).
Spring Fling Spirit Week:
Are you ready for Spring? How about having a little fun with a Spring Fling Spirit Week. Jump in on the fun and participate in the following dress up spirit days this week:
Friday: Soccer Mom vs. BBQ Dad
Prom Guest Forms:
Prom Guest Forms are available for pickup outside the Assistant Principal's office or in the Main office. Please read and follow the guest guidelines on the form and return it to the Assistant Principal's office no later than the due date of, Wednesday, April 17, 2024. There will not be any exceptions to this deadline. The forms are not available online and only this year's form will be accepted.
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Darnall’s Diner
Italian Beef Sandwich
Orange Chicken with Rice
Green Machine Grill
Orange Chicken with Rice
Green & White Deli
Deli Sandwiches
Chef Salads