Friday, March 15, 2024
Foreign Language Club:
Our next meeting is March 26th at 3:00 p.m. in room 3. We will be talking about Easter and making a craft. Bring a friend and hope to see you there!
Black Hawk College Visit:
On Tuesday, March 26th, Black Hawk College will be visiting Geneseo High School during 7th period. If you are interested in meeting with Black Hawk College, please visit the Counseling Office for more details and to sign up. You must sign up before to obtain a pass, and confirm the visit will be taking place.
Attention freshman, sophomore, and junior students playing football next fall. Please fill out the form posted in your team’s Geneseo Football Google Classroom. If you do not have access, please see one of the football coaches for your QR code to join.
Attention Juniors:
Petitions for the 2024-25 Student Council President are now available. All interested candidates must be a current junior with at least one year of Student Council experience. Candidates need to secure 50 signatures and petitions are due on Thursday, March 28. An all-school election will follow. Pick up your petition from Mrs. Laingen in Room 19 or Mrs. Brewer in Room 26.
Breakfast Survey Reminder:
We would like to thank everyone who joined us last week for National School Breakfast week. You should have received a short survey to give us your feedback on our special breakfast entree’s. Please fill this out by Friday afternoon.
Graduation Speeches:
Attention Seniors: Are you interested in giving a speech at graduation? All graduating seniors are eligible to submit a speech for consideration. Speeches will be chosen by a committee and those students will read their speeches at the graduation ceremony. If your speech makes it to the final round, you will be notified by April 5th.
Speeches must meet the following criteria:
200-400 words
typed format with your name on it
The speech does not have to be a particular subject matter but needs to be positive and represent the class of 2024
Speeches are due in the Front Office by Tuesday, April 2 at 3:00 p.m.
Seniors Entering the Military:
Attention Seniors: If you plan on entering the Military after graduation please stop by the Front Office and let Mrs. Harrington know. You will be put on a list to receive a red, white, and blue cord to wear at graduation.
Bass Fishing Club:
Anyone interested in joining the GHS Bass Fishing Club this spring please contact Mr. Verbeck or sign up for the google classroom with the class signup code tknetvw.
Prom Guest Forms:
Prom Guest Forms are available for pickup outside the Assistant Principal's office or in the Main office. Please read and follow the guest guidelines on the form and return it to the Assistant Principal's office no later than the due date of, Wednesday, April 17, 2024. There will not be any exceptions to this deadline. The forms are not available online and only this year's form will be accepted.
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Darnall’s Diner
Max Sticks
Fish Sandwich
Tuna Sandwich
Green Machine Grill
Cheese Pizza or Cook's Choice
Fish Sandwich
Tuna Sandwich
Green & White Deli
Deli Sandwiches
Tuna Sandwich
The Deli line will have very limited salad availability. We will be having side salads while they last. The deli line will still be offering Wraps, Deli Sandwiches, Parfaits (while they last) and Tuna sandwiches.