GHS Announcements 2-26-24

Monday, February 26, 2024



Attention Students:

The class with the most people signed up for Dance Marathon 3 by March 5 will get a "free phone" WIN on March 6. This means that your whole grade will be able to use their phones for the entire duration of WIN. Happy fundraising!


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Visit:

Today, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville will be visiting Geneseo High School during 6th period. Please remember to sign up before the visit in the Counseling Office.


St. Ambrose Visit:

On Wednesday, February 28th, St. Ambrose University will be visiting Geneseo High School during 7th period. If you are interested in meeting with them, please visit the Counseling Office for more details and to sign up. You must sign up before to obtain a pass, and confirm the visit will be taking place. 


Starbooks Café:

Tomorrow is a Starbooks Tuesday. Stop in the Library before school for hot drinks and hot book takes.

Soccer Slam:

Congratulations to all teams who competed in the 17th annual Seth Ernst Memorial Soccer Slam!  Winning the Men's Division was Bulk SZN, with Prophet Gear coming in second.  In the Women's Division, Knocking Out the Competition was victorious over The Foootballers.  Shout out to Brady Hamer and Jacob Nelson for assisting with the GoPro both weekends of our Slam.  Thank you to Addison Dykstra for singing a beautiful National Anthem yesterday, and thanks to all who participated For the Love of the Game!!

Seniors Open Campus Lunch:

The next Open Campus Lunch opportunity will be Friday, March 1st!

To qualify, you need to have a grade of D+ or higher in all classes and have no unserved discipline. Eligibility will be determined on Tuesday, February 27th. Eligibility notices will be distributed in the morning of Open Campus Lunch day, Friday, March 1st. Students who qualify will have additional time for lunch. If you receive a notice, please be sure to read it for your exact leaving and return times.

Special Olympics Polar Plunge:

Respect is cool.... So come take the plunge for Special Olympics! We are looking for teams of 4 to take the Plunge on March 15th.  Minimum $5 per person, prizes awarded to the team with the best costume and most money raised.  Contact Sheila Puls or Megan VerStraete in Life Skills for any questions.


Silver Cord Opportunity:

Northside will be hosting a family math night on Tuesday, February 27th from 5:30 - 7:30.  Volunteers are needed.  Elementary students will be visiting a variety of stations promoting connection and mathematics.  The theme is “Carnival”.  If you are interested in volunteering please email Ashley Morey at


 Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:

Darnall's Diner

Pasta with Meatballs

Cheesy Pull-Apart

Prime Time Chicken

Green Machine Grill



Mini Corn Dogs

Prime Time Chicken

Green & White Deli

Deli Sandwiches


Chef Salads
