Friday, February 16, 2024
Greece Trip:
Attention Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors: Have you RSVP’d to attend the Greece trip informational meeting? If you haven’t…YOU SHOULD! If you RSVP for the meeting using the QR code on Mrs. Litton’s door (Room 20), it will save you $200 if you choose to travel with us. We will be traveling in June of 2025 - visiting Athens and then boarding a cruise ship to cruise through the Greeks Islands! If you want to know more, please join us this Sunday, February 18th at 3:00 p.m. in the Theatre for more information!
Blood Drive Sign-Up:
It’s not too late to sign up to donate blood. There are still 32 appointment times available. Check out the many posters around the school and choose your own appointment time by scanning the QR code. Each donation saves three lives. The drive will be held on Thursday, February 29, in the big gym. 16-year-olds are required to have a signed parent consent slip from the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center. For students who have already signed up or any student who is interested, please come to the blood donor workshop held next Wednesday, February 21 during WIN in the Theatre. Our blood center rep will be here for valuable information about donating. Please plan to attend. For further information see Mrs. Laingen or Mrs. Brewer.
Western Illinois University Visit:
On Wednesday, February 21st, Western Illinois University will be visiting Geneseo High School during 7th period. If you are interested in meeting with them, please visit the Counseling Office for more details and to sign up. You must sign up before to obtain a pass, and confirm the visit will be taking place.
Musical Cast List:
The cast list for the musical will be posted on Friday. We are adjusting the rehearsal schedule due to missed rehearsals. On Monday, February 19, 2024, there will be a rehearsal for all cast members from 8:00 AM to 10:15 AM in the Theatre. Please enter the building through the south doors that lead into the band instrument storage room. Please check the cast posting to see who has to attend Monday rehearsals from 10:30 AM to 12:45 PM and from 1:45 PM to 3:00 PM.
Special Olympics Polar Plunge:
Respect is cool.... So come take the plunge for Special Olympics! We are looking for teams of 4 to take the Plunge on March 15th. Minimum $5 per person, prizes awarded to the team with the best costume and most money raised. T-shirts are also on sale through February 21st via QR code on the flyer. Contact Sheila Puls or Megan VerStraete in Life Skills for any questions.
Silver Cord Opportunity:
Northside will be hosting a family math night on Tuesday, February 27th from 5:30 - 7:30. Volunteers are needed. Elementary students will be visiting a variety of stations promoting connection and mathematics. The theme is “Carnival”. If you are interested in volunteering please email Ashley Morey at'
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Lunch will not be served today due to the 11:30 a.m. dismissal.