Monday, November 13, 2023
Attention Seniors:
You are getting an email from Mrs. Anton today with both the Senior Hall of Fame and Senior Quote Google Form Links. Please make sure to read the directions on BOTH documents before you submit. Senior Hall of Fame voting will end on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. Senior Quotes will be open until Friday at 3:00 p.m.
It is that Special Time of the Year again, what time is that you may ask? Well, it is time for the Mathletes to begin another glorious season. If working on exciting math extension problems interests you, then this is YOUR CLUB ! If you are not interested in the Mathletes, don’t worry, hopefully someone who is good at math (like Buddy) will take care of you later in life. The Mathletes sign-up will take place this Thursday morning at 8:30 A.M. in MR. C’s Room #38.
Apprenticeship Meeting:
To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week - Anyone interested in hearing about apprenticeship opportunities starting the summer of 2024 should go to the Theatre during WIN time on Monday, November 13th. Make sure you report to your scheduled WIN class first and then sign out.
Silver Cord Volunteer Babysitting Dates:
GHS is hosting Pre-School Family Nights from 5-7 p.m. on November 15th, December 12th, February 8th, and April 15th. Any students wishing to volunteer helping young children with activities and games is encouraged to sign up in the Front Office. Students will be able to earn Silver Cord hours. Please sign up in the Front Office.
University of Northern Iowa College Visit:
The University of Northern Iowa will be visiting Geneseo High School on Monday, November 13th during 6th period. Please visit the counseling office to sign up.
Navy Visit:
The Navy will be visiting Geneseo High School on Tuesday, November 14th during 6th period. Please visit the counseling office to sign up.
Silver Cord Opportunity:
Park District volunteer opportunities and contact information are listed on the announcement bulletin board across from the Front Office.
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Darnall's Diner
Lasagna Rollup
Chris P. Chicken Sandwich
Green Machine Grill
Chris P. Chicken Sandwich
Green and White Deli
Deli Sandwiches
Chef Salads