Monday, May 8, 2023
Dance Marathon 3:
Are you interested in being a captain or a team member for Dance Marathon 3 next year? If you are, then please stop by Mrs. Bertelsen’s room (43) to pick up an application. All completed applications are due by May 19th. See Mrs. Bertelsen or Mr. Kelly with any questions.
Seussical Shirts:
Seussical shirts are in. If you purchased one, you may pick it up on Tuesday, May 9th, either during 7th hour or after school until 3:30 p.m. in the Theatre.
Congratulations FFA:
Congratulations to Kylie Maertens on being elected the 2023-2024 Section 3 FFA Historian.
Seniors Only Dress Up Days:
Today is Vacation! dress up day. Tomorrow dress for Senior “Favorites”. Think Emerald Green, Emu, Monster’s Inc, and Zulu Giant.
Senior Meeting Tuesday:
Attention Seniors, on Tuesday you will have a Senior Meeting in the Theatre during WIN. Do not go to your WIN teacher first, report directly to the Theatre for WIN on Tuesday.
Class Officer Election:
Attention Sophomores and Freshman: it’s time to elect your class officers for the 2023-24 school year. An email has been sent to you with a class ballot, please take the time to cast your vote as the election will be open until 3:00 on Wednesday.
Attention Class of 2024:
Your class only had one candidate run for each office for the 2023-24 school year. The Class of 2024 class officers will be:
President: Ella Pettit
Vice-President: Buddy Henderson
Secretary: Emma DeBaene
Treasurer: Nathan Dunker
Congratulations to these officers!
Junior Open Campus Lunch:
The next Open Campus Lunch opportunity for Juniors will be Friday, May 12th. To qualify, you need to have a grade of D+ or higher in all classes, no unserved discipline, and no unpaid library fees. Eligibility will be determined on Wednesday, May 10th. Eligibility notices will be distributed in the morning of Open Campus Lunch day, Friday, May 12th. Students who qualify will have additional time for lunch. If you receive a notice, please be sure to read it for your exact leaving and return times.
Queen Pageant:
Attention Seniors - Forms for the Geneseo Rotary Club’s Music Festival Queen Pageant are available in the Front Office. The event is Friday, June 16 in City Park and scholarship money is presented to the Queen and four runners-up. First place is $500.
Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:
Darnall's Diner
Fettuccine Alfredo
French Bread Pizza
Green Machine Grill
French Bread Pizza
Green and White Deli
Deli Sandwiches
Chef Salads