GHS Announcements 5-3-23

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Junior Open Campus Lunch:

The next Open Campus Lunch opportunity for Juniors will be Friday, May 12th.  To qualify, you need to have a grade of D+ or higher in all classes, no unserved discipline, and no unpaid library fees. Eligibility will be determined on Wednesday, May 10th. Eligibility notices will be distributed in the morning of Open Campus Lunch day, Friday, May 12th.  Students who qualify will have additional time for lunch.  If you receive a notice, please be sure to read it for your exact leaving and return times.


Queen Pageant:

Attention Seniors - Forms for the Geneseo Rotary Club’s Music Festival Queen Pageant are available in the Front Office.  The event is Friday, June 16 in City Park and scholarship money is presented to the Queen and four runners-up.  First place is $500.


Boys Cross Country Meeting:

Attention anyone interested in participating in Boys Cross Country next year - There will be a short meeting on Thursday morning in room 18 (Health Room) at 7:40 a.m.  Please contact Coach Ehlert if you have any questions.

Prom Tickets:

Thursday will be your last opportunity to get Prom Tickets.  Prom tickets are not available at the door; they must be purchased in advance.  On Thursday, May 4 Juniors and Seniors may purchase tickets in the cafeteria during all lunches and 7th hour.  Tickets are $10 for juniors. Senior tickets are free, but seniors must still secure a ticket. Juniors & Seniors bringing an approved guest must purchase a $10 ticket for the guest. 

Environmental Club Earth Challenge:

Did you know that plastic bags start out as fossil fuels and end up as deadly waste in landfills and in the ocean? Fish eat thousands of tons of plastic a year, transferring it up the food chain to bigger fish and marine mammals. Microplastics are also consumed by people through food and in the air. It’s estimated that globally, people consume the equivalent of a credit card of plastic every week and it’s expected that there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050. This week's earth challenge is to be mindful of plastic waste, especially the single-use plastic grocery bags. Instead, choose reusable shopping bags!


Tabletop Games Club:

There will be Tabletop Games Club on Wednesday after school in Mrs. Davidson’s room, room 10.


Fri-yay Dress Up Days:

Mrs. Schneden is retiring in just a few weeks after teaching at GHS for over 20 years! She’s been a special teacher and friend to so many of us at GHS, so let’s send her off with some Fri-yay dress up days! The first dress-up day to honor Mrs. Schneden will be this Friday, May 5th, and the theme is “Dress as your favorite book character.” Let’s get creative GHS staff & students & dress up on Friday! We’ll announce three more Friday Dress up Themes in coming weeks! Stay tuned!

Schedule Previews for 2023-2024:

Please check your Skyward and email regarding schedule previews for the 2023-2024 school year. Schedules will be open in Skyward during the week of May 1st-5th. 


Class Officer Petitions:

Would you like to be your Class President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer?  Class Officer petitions are now available for the 2023-2024 school year.  Pick one up from Mrs. Laingen in Room 19 or Mrs. Brewer in Room 26. All petitions need 25 signatures and must be returned by Wednesday, May 3. Candidates will be placed on a ballot for a class election.  Class officers are members of the Student Council and are expected to fulfill all membership duties. 

Senior Open Campus Lunch Info:

The next Open Campus Lunch opportunity for Seniors will be Friday, May 5th  To qualify, you need to have a grade of D+ or higher in all classes, no unserved discipline, and no unpaid library fees. Eligibility will be determined on Wednesday, May 3rd. Eligibility notices will be distributed in the morning of Open Campus Lunch day, Friday, May 5th.  Students who qualify will have additional time for lunch.  If you receive a notice, please be sure to read it for your exact leaving and return times.

Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:

Darnall's Diner

Popcorn Chicken with Roll

Dumplings or Cook's Choice if we run out

Green Machine Grill



Sloppy Joe

Eisenberg Hot Dog

Green and White Deli

Deli Sandwiches


Chef Salads
