GHS Announcements 4-28-23

Friday, April 28, 2023


National Leadership Week:

In honor of National Student Leadership Week, here is a special quote: “Leaders don’t look for recognition from others, leaders look for others to recognize.” —Simon Sinek

Thank you to all of the student leaders who attended the Leadership Breakfast yesterday, your contributions to our school and community do not go unnoticed.

All-School Picnic: 

Get ready for the All-School Picnic, it will be held on Tuesday, May 2. All students will be having an extended lunch from 11:02-12:27 (all three lunches). Plan on eating lunch outside near the stadium. When dismissed to lunch Seniors will be allowed to go through the lunch lines first and as the lines dwindle, juniors will go and so on. All students are encouraged to bring beach towels and blankets and eat picnic-style outside behind the school. Bring your phones as there will be some fun photo-ops. The Tug-of-war contest will take place after lunch. Hoping for good weather and some sun to enjoy our lunch.


Silver Cord Opportunity:

There is a Silver Cord opportunity on May 2nd at 3:30 p.m. at Millikin Elementary. This will be for approximately one hour and is an opportunity for additional hours for the upcoming school year as well.  Please email Mrs. Jansen if you are interested, her email is

ELA Lab:

ELA Lab is cancelled for today.

Senior Open Campus Lunch Info:

The next Open Campus Lunch opportunity for Seniors will be Friday, May 5th

To qualify, you need to have a grade of D+ or higher in all classes, no unserved discipline, and no unpaid library fees. Eligibility will be determined on Wednesday, May 3rd. Eligibility notices will be distributed in the morning of Open Campus Lunch day, Friday, May 5th.  Students who qualify will have additional time for lunch.  If you receive a notice, please be sure to read it for your exact leaving and return times.


Foreign Language Club Meeting:

Attention All Foreign Language Club Members: Our final meeting of the year is on Monday, May 1st at 3:00 p.m. in Room 3. We will be hearing from a teacher about her travel experiences. Bring a friend and hope to see you there!


Class Officer Petitions:

Would you like to be your Class President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer?  Class Officer petitions are now available for the 2023-2024 school year.  Pick one up from Mrs. Laingen in Room 19 or Mrs. Brewer in Room 26. All petitions need 25 signatures and must be returned by Wednesday, May 3. Candidates will be placed on a ballot for a class election.  Class officers are members of the Student Council and are expected to fulfill all membership duties.


AM & PM Detention on Monday, May 1:

There will not be AM & PM Detention on Monday, May 1.  You will not be able to serve detentions on this day.


Prom Ticket Sales:

Prom tickets will be on sale Tuesday, May 2nd in the GHS Main Lobby.  Prom tickets are not available at the door; they must be purchased in advance. Juniors and seniors may purchase tickets whenever they are dismissed from school between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. on these dates only. Students may not purchase tickets between classes nor during class; they must wait until they’re dismissed from school. Tickets are $10 for Juniors. Senior tickets are free, but seniors must still secure a ticket. Juniors & Seniors bringing an approved guest must purchase a $10 ticket for the guest. See the GHS kiosks for a reminder of dates and times.

Project for the Environment:

Hello GHS! This week from Monday-Friday, Environmental Club invites you to participate in a week-long project to make the switch from plastic to metal silverware during your lunch period. How does it work? Bring in your own metal silverware from home and opt out of the plastic silverware in the lunch lines. Then show your silverware from home to one of the lunch staff, and receive a piece of candy. Do your part and make the switch GHS!

Artwalk Volunteers Needed:

The Geneseo Chamber of Commerce is looking for Silver Cord volunteers, or others who need community service to help with small tasks at the Artwalk on April 29th in downtown Geneseo. Welcoming and directing artists, delivering lunches, keeping the food area neat, and tearing down are tasks that we need some help with. You can earn Silver Cord hours for your participation. If you’re interested, please contact the Geneseo Chamber at, or 309-944-2686. Thank you!

Cheerleading Tryouts Meeting:

There will be an informational student/parent meeting for cheer tryouts on May 2nd in the commons at 6:00 p.m.  All tryout information and paperwork will be handed out then. 

May Study Hall Release for Juniors, Seniors, and Sophomores:

Study Hall release will start on Monday, May 1st.  Only students who are ineligible will be notified.  Students will receive ineligibility notices on Thursday, April 27th and Friday, April 28th.  In order to be eligible for Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Study Hall release you must clear the following obligations: 

- Grades of D+ or higher in all classes

- No 1st Semester 2022 failed classes

- No unpaid library fines

- No unserved discipline

- Students who have 6th period Study Hall and a 7th period class are not eligible for Study Hall release. 

Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:

Darnall's Diner

Pretzel Dog

Orange Chicken with Rice

Green Machine Grill



Orange Chicken with Rice

Green and White Deli

Deli Sandwiches


Chef Salads
