GHS Announcements 4-6-23

Thursday, April 6, 2023


Senior Lunch Survey Reminder:

Seniors, don’t forget to fill out your lunch survey. Vote for your favorites to be served during your last week of school.


AM Detention on April 11:

There will not be AM detention on Tuesday, April 11th, due to a staff meeting.


Mindfulness Thursday for Freshmen Today:

Today Freshmen have the opportunity for some mindfulness.  Your choices are Breathing, Yoga, & Mindfulness in the DePauw Theatre or Wellness & Music in the GFAC.  Adult Coloring will not be offered this week.  Please report to your WIN teacher first and then head to one of the two locations and sign in.

Read for a Lifetime:

This is a reminder that all students who are participating in the library's Read for a Lifetime program need to have all of their responses entered by Monday, April 10. It takes 4 responses to qualify for the annual program. Contact Mrs. Brucher with any questions.


Yearbook Order Update:

There are new updated lists outside of Mrs. Anton and Mrs. Brewer’s rooms for all those that have ordered yearbooks as of April 2nd. If your parent still needs to order a copy, our publishing company is giving us 1 more week. Go to to place the order. 

Prom Guest Verification:

Prom Guest Verification forms are now available online or in the AP office.  Please read over the requirements as listed on the form.  Guest forms need to be returned to the AP office no later than April 18th.  There will be no exceptions for late returns.  

Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:

Darnall's Diner

Pizza Hut

Saucy Chicken Biscuit


Green Machine Grill



Pizza Hut

Eisenberg Hot Dog

Green and White Deli

Deli Sandwiches

Chef Salads


Pizza Hut