GHS Announcements 2-14-23

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Attention Juniors: 

There is a Junior Class Meeting today during WIN in the Theatre.  Students are to report directly to the Theatre, do not go to your WIN class first. 


Tabletop Games Club:

There will be Tabletop Games Club on Wednesday after school in Mrs. Davidson’s room, room 10.

Psychology Club:

There will be a Psychology Club meeting on Tuesday at 2:15.

Radio Club Meeting:

Radio Club will meet today at 3:10 p.m. in the Radio Studio.  All students with an interest in radio broadcasting are welcome.  

Winter Dance:

Hey GHS, are you looking for something to beat those winter blues? The Student Council is hosting a Winter Dance on Friday, February 24 from 7-10 pm in the big gym. This dance is for Geneseo High School students only, no guests. All tickets will be purchased at the door and will cost $5. Come out of the cold and get your dance on!! All discipline must be served in order to attend.


Discipline Reminder:

In order to attend the Winter Dance, students must have all past, outstanding discipline served by Friday, February 24 at 8:00 a.m.

Spring Musical Crew:

There will be a meeting for all students who signed up (or would like to sign up) to work on any crew for the spring musical on Tuesday, February 14 from 3:15 to 4:15 PM in the DePauw Theatre.


College Signing Day: 

We will have our open signing day for any Geneseo High School athletes who are ready to sign a National Letter of Intent to play their sport in college. This is for athletes competing at GHS (in the sport they are signing for) and open to all levels of College Athletics (NCAA, D1, D2, D2, NJCAA, NAIA, etc.). The date will be Wednesday, February 22nd during WIN in the Concert Hall. Stop by the Athletic Office to sign up.

Artwork Contest:

The 2023 Prom Committee is looking for the perfect Masquerade image to use for our prom theme this year. Therefore, we’re hosting an all-school artwork contest. The competition is open to all artists and digital designers at GHS – freshmen through seniors. The designs should represent this year’s prom theme: Masquerade. Entries should be submitted in person or electronically to Mrs. Ganson by February 17th. The winning artwork will be printed on GHS prom invitations, tickets, photo booth strips & marketing promos.  The artist will win a $50 gift card! Additional details are being sent to all students via gmail. Let the artwork begin!

Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:

Darnall's Diner

Soft Shell Taco


Green Machine Grill



Fiestada Pizza

Eisenberg Hot Dog

Green and White Deli

Deli Sandwiches

Chef Salads

Taco Salad
